William Wilson
3 min readDec 5, 2023


You DON'T know why President Biden is doing lousy in the polls? Have you shopped at a grocery store? Have you had to buy gas or heating oil for your home? Do you know anybody who lost a loved one in President Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal debacle?

Do you know anybody who lives on the border who fears for their lives that an illegal immigrant, empowered by President Biden's lack of enforcement at the border, might invade their homes and do them harm? Do you know anyone who lives in a declared "sanctuary city" or "sanctuary state" who has been forced to share with border states the impact of the Biden Border Crisis (e.g. New York City) who find their streets inundated with low-skilled, non-English speaking, "sanctuary seekers" just like those border states? Do you know anybody with a teenager looking to build job experience with that "first job" knowing that the Biden Administration is going to cave and issue blanket work permits at any time for those low-skilled aliens and increase competition exponentially for those jobs?

Do you know anybody trying to afford to build a home whose costs are skyrocketing because of Biden Administration policies and whose freedom to choose what type of heating their home uses or what type of stove the home uses is being limited by the Biden Administration and their obsession with "climate change"? That used to be known as "global warming" until the globe stopped warming for a period that went totally against the theory upon which "global warming" is based. It's that theory, Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory, that is the bad science upon which all of the freedom-crushing, economy destroying, government mandates are being made. Ironically, that theory has been disproved by observation, by data, and by the numerous predictions made by "experts" over the past 50 years that have NOT come to fruition.

Yet the elitist, small-minds in the Biden Administration think they can predict what will happen 50-100 years in the future. Wake up. It's not about the planet. It's about control. What light bulbs you can use. What toilets you can use. What stoves you can use. What type of car you can buy. Notwithstanding that the "alternative car" costs more to own. It costs more to maintain. It is much more dangerous if you have an accident. It's battery, whose rare earth metal parts come mostly from China and that doesn't recycle or break down in landfills, also has been known to spontaneously catch fire. Plus, most importantly, the car requires you to stop on your trip to recharge. That can take hours. Do you think people will plan and take long road trips when they have to spend hours recharging? That's authoritarian control, not American freedom.

Do you know anybody concerned that those thousands of new IRS agents being hired by the Biden Administration might frivolously target them for an audit?

Do you know anybody paying attention to the career IRS whistleblowers who have come forward to risk their careers to inform the American people there has been political influence in having tax evasion law's statute of limitation expire so as not to charge the President's son with evading taxes on millions of dollars? Do you know anybody paying attention that a federal judge had to reject a plea deal for the President's son because it was something that would never be offered to anybody WITHOUT political influence?

Do you know anybody paying attention to the investigations by Republican Committees that have documented in black-and-white the myriad of LLCs the Biden Crime Family routed tens of millions of dollars from Chinese, Bulgarian, Kazakhstani, and Ukrainian entities produce no discernible products or services (besides political influence)? Does it matter to you the fact that those myriad of LLCs producing no discernible products or services is a distinct strategy of money laundering schemes? Does it matter that those same investigations prove that President Joe Biden has been lying about what he knows about his son's business dealings and whether he participated in them since he was a candidate and continually as President? This despite his son's business partners testifying before Congress under penalty of perjury indicating that VP Biden participated in business calls and had dinner with his son's foreign business partners?

Lastly, does it concern you that the FBI ignored reporting by a Confidential Human Source that the Biden's (President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden) were bribed by a Ukrainian energy oligarch to get VP Biden to do something about the prosecutor investigating him? Which VP Biden subsequently did.

Yes, there's no reason President Biden is doing lousy in the polls.



William Wilson
William Wilson

Written by William Wilson

I'm an Air Force veteran and became paralyzed after a freak mountain biking accident. I spend my days now writing about sports and making money online.

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