William Wilson
2 min readDec 2, 2020


Yes, Trump voters hate black people.

Maybe that's why they supported fiscal policies which led to POC having the lowest unemployment rate on record for them.

Perhaps that's why they supported the President advocating for and signing into law unprecedented funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Hatred of black people could be why they supported the President advocating for signing into law one that reformed the criminal justice system for the first time in decades. Reforms that disproportionately provide support to Blacks and other POC.

I guess hating black people manifests itself in Trump voters advocating for the rule of law and safety in all communities including black neighborhoods.

It's possible Trump voters show their hatred of black people by supporting school choice to free black students from failing government schools and the tyranny of teacher's unions more interested in themselves than providing quality education to their students.

Surely, if nothing else, Trump voters show their hatred of black people by supporting the president advocating for and signing into law establishment of Opportunity Zones in neighborhoods predominantly occupied by black people. These Opportunity Zones are designed to spur job creation and investment in those communities.

By your standards, since President Trump and his supporters have made or tried to make these positive changes for black people and the fact that the prior occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue not only failed to do so but failed to even try would seem to indicate that the true "racists" were a Democrat named Obama with a sidekick named Biden.

That's not surprising., The Democrat party foundation is based on anti-black slavery. They went to war to defend it. They voted against abolishing it. When that didn't work, they passed Jim Crow laws and poll taxes. They even created a militant arm of the Democrat party (the KKK) to terrorize Blacks well into the 20th century.

I guess you can't blame Obama/Biden for their racism. It's part of their Democrat DNA. Today, Democrat plantations don't grow cotton. They promote policies which keep Blacks dependent on the government and, correspondingly, Democrats in power. That plus the soft bigotry of low expectations internalized by Democrats when it comes to Blacks and minorities is an overt example of their racism.



William Wilson
William Wilson

Written by William Wilson

I'm an Air Force veteran and became paralyzed after a freak mountain biking accident. I spend my days now writing about sports and making money online.

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