William Wilson
3 min readMay 4, 2022


Yes there's that customary decency, integrity, and accountability displayed by Democrat Presidents.

Like the decency displayed by Obama when he mercilessly attacked the budget proposal developed by Republican Paul Ryan KNOWING he was sitting in the front row for the speech. Was Joe Biden being decent when he referred to a Fox News reporter as a "stupid son of a bitch" during a press conference?

Or the integrity Obama displayed on numerous occasions when he repeated what PolitiFact called "The Lie of the Year" regarding his statements that "if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan". He and his entire staff lied to relatives of those killed in Benghazi when they blamed an obscure YouTube video for the attack rather than Obama's failed policies. Obama hit a two-for displaying both indecency and a lack of integrity when he lied about the Citizens United Supreme Court decision during a State of the Union address with members of the High Court in attendance. Bill Clinton displayed great integrity when he lied during his deposition in the Paula Jones case.

President Biden displays great integrity while repeating lies like: having his wife almost get caught in a house that burned down (it was a minor kitchen fire); that he drove an 18 wheeler (he didn't); about a supposed conversation he had while VP with an Amtrak conductor (the guy retired 15 years before Biden became VP and died the year of the tail); that he visited the Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue after the 2018 massacre there (not according to the Synagogue). He routinely insists "all the economists" back his plans (they don't); that inflation caused by his policies is "temporary" (it isn't); that the surge in illegal aliens violating our sovereignty is "seasonal" (it isn't); and that his generals did not object to the method and schedule of his disastrous pullout from Afghanistan (they did). Neither did President Biden get arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela as he has repeatedly claimed.


Speaking of Benghazi, no one in the Obama administration was held accountable for refusing security improvements requested for the attacked facilities. No one in Obama's IRS was held accountable by the administration for targeting, delaying, and putting undue burdens on down Conservative organizations seeking tax-exempt status. Obama held no one accountable for the felony stupid Operation Fast and Furious. That operation allowed high-powered, semi-automatic weapons to be "walked" into Mexico destined for the drug cartels without that country's knowledge or approval. It was an obvious attempt to sway American citizen's to accept restrictions to their Second Amendment rights when down murders in Mexico were caused by weapons purchased in the US. An unknown number of Mexicans, one US Border Patrol Agent, and probably one DEA Agent paid with their lives because of Obama's operation. The whistleblowers in the case didn't fare well either. Their treatment wasn't very decent. Similarly, President Biden has not held anyone accountable for his Afghanistan debacle. Although, I guess HE was the one most responsible.

The most brazen lack of accountability during Obama's reign was his DOJ's refusal to indict (or even sanction) Hillary Clinton and her minions for violating both the Federal Records Act and laws regarding the grossly negligent handling of classified information. Both stemmed from her use of a homebrew email server for official business she set up in an obvious effort to thwart Freedom of Information Act requests and to stymie Congressional oversight.

Presidential issues with decency, integrity, and accountability didn't begin January 2017 and end January 2021. They existed before and they continue to exist after President Trump left office.



William Wilson
William Wilson

Written by William Wilson

I'm an Air Force veteran and became paralyzed after a freak mountain biking accident. I spend my days now writing about sports and making money online.

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