Yes, 2021 and 2022 would make them after Obama. It's not like they had to worry about the Trump Administration to indiscriminately pressure banks and lending institutions to sever their relationships with the gun industry.
But, based on his policies and his administration's emphasis, President Biden's term is like an Obama redux: rejoining the terrible JCPOA; rejoining the US business destroying Paris Climate Accords that are extremely beneficial to China; President Biden's even more aggressive than Obama in trying to destroy the American petroleum extraction, transport, and refinement industries.
You can only destroy so much of the country at a time. Although, record inflation and allowing tens of thousands of low skilled and unvetted migrants to pour across our southern border monthly tends to impact everything. The Biden Administration is doing little to nothing in offering real solutions to those issues.
States were probably just trying to get out ahead of the Administration before the bureaucrats came to that part of their checklist that described Operation Chokepoint amongst other "things the Obama Regime did that we should do".