With respect to Cheney's defeat, do you give any credence to the voters of Wyoming that they no longer believed Cheney represented their interests? That, to use your analogy, THEY felt she was bad for the "gut health" and immune system of the country?
For no matter how much Donald Trump promoted her opponent or how much outside money was used to campaign against her, neither President Trump nor those campaign contributors outside Wyoming had a vote in the election.
You assert that MAGA targets the accountability mechanisms that "protect our institutions from corruption for personal and political gain". What about Democrats targeting or bastardizing those accountability mechanisms:
– What about Democrats trying to nationalize those election responsibilities delegated to the states by the Constitution to strengthen their incumbency?
– What about the future Democrat Vice President contributing to bail out rioters and looters in the summer of 2020?
– What about the never-ending, incessant calls from Democrats to "pack" the Supreme Court since a majority no longer subscribe to their ideology in deference to the constitutional text?
– What about a Democrat President weaponizing the IRS against their political opponents and then that Democrat President's DOJ refusing to charge anyone for the discrimination (see Lois Lerner)?
– What about a Democrat President's FBI describing all the ways a powerful Democrat politician violated the laws with respect to the gross mishandling of classified information and then inexplicably not recommending that politician or any of her minions who also grossly mishandled classified information be charged (see James Comey, Hillary Clinton, and Mid-Year Exam)?
– What about that same Democrat President's FBI using opposition research KNOWN to be paid for by the Republican Presidential candidate's opponent and KNOWING that research contained blatantly false and made-up information as a predicate to monitor members of that Republican Presidential candidate's campaign, and by extension, the candidate himself (See James Comey, Carter Page, and Crossfire Hurricane)?
– What about a Democrat Attorney General found in Contempt of Congress not even publicly admonished by the Democrat President that appointed him let alone tried (see Eric Holder and Operation Fast and Furious)?
– What about a Democrat Speaker of the House refusing to accept Republicans nominated by the House Minority Leader to serve on a Select Committee because they might not endorse the Democrat's desired narrative or might raise questions inconvenient to Democrat members (see Nancy Pelosi, Jim Jordan, and Jim Banks)?
You seem horrified by the potential for your fellow citizens who may question the results of the 2020 election being elected to positions with some impact on our politics.
How do you feel about the Democrats in this video (all of them current or former officeholders) questioning election results, calling a Republican President illegitimate, and otherwise attacking our election systems with as little or less evidence of domestic malfeasance than that which is available about election 2020 anomalies:
MAGA is of no more threat to our accountability mechanisms than Democrats.
With its America First agenda, unequivocal support for inalienable rights specifically addressed in the Constitution, adherence to the rule-of-law, tendency to nominate originalist judges and Justices, desires for Americans to keep more of their hard-earned cash rather than sending it to a bloated federal government, policies that promote net positive fossil fuel exports compared to imports, pro-business policies, rejection of freedom-crushing/business-destroying anthropogenic global warming theory dogma that strengthens our adversaries and would do nothing to address the climate change bogeyman, policies that would secure our southern border, policies that promote military readiness and strength rather than "wokeism", etc. I submit electing MAGA supporters is infinitely better for our Republic then electing Democrats.