William Wilson
6 min readDec 6, 2020


Why would racists leave the safety of Democrat relationships in favor of the Party which was literally founded to secure the abolition of slavery and whose members had just voted at a higher rate than Democrats on landmark Civil Rights legislation and whose votes were instrumental in passing historic civil rights legislation? It’s nonsensical.

If there were so many so-called Dixiecrats (all of them registered Democrats) who were so intent on abandoning their suddenly enlightened Democrat colleagues in favor of joining those racist Republicans, you should be able to compile an exhaustive list. I will wait for the link.

History records there were 91 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 21 Democrats in the Senate who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.



There were 62 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 19 Democrats in the Senate who voted against the Voting Rights Act of 1965.



Even considering the smaller total, there were 81 Democrat racists in the U.S. Congress who voted against the landmark civil rights legislation. You allege that these 81 racists, so upset that their Party had become virtuous and no longer harbored racist attitudes, that they were compelled to join the now racist Republicans.

This despite the fact that Republicans voted for the landmark civil rights legislation at a rate higher than their Democrat colleagues and that, in all cases, Republicans cast the deciding votes which led to the legislation’s passing.

Do you know how many of those racist Democrat Senators and Representatives made the mythical switch you allege occurred: exactly one Senator (Strom Thurmond) and one Representative (Albert Watson).



What, did the rest of the Democrat racists who voted against the landmark civil rights legislation suddenly see the error of their ways, abandon their years of racism, and learn to love their black constituents? Did they serve out the rest of their terms miserable in the knowledge that their party was no longer the bastion of racism it had been for over a century?

Are there any records of newly enlightened Democrats in the South ostracizing, criticizing, and forcing out those racist politicians who voted against the landmark civil rights legislation? Wouldn’t a Party that now supposedly had abandoned their racist past want to purge those racists from their members?

Just looking at a random sampling from the voting records above, many of those racists Democrats continued to serve well into the 1970s.

Why didn’t they make the mythical switch to the racist Republicans?

Also, a politician has little control over who likes and dislikes their policies.

President Trump, who was REPEATEDLY asked by the biased media, disavowed the KKK, white supremacists, David Duke, Bigfoot, poltergeists, and the bogeyman on multiple occasions.

You apparently assume the KKK were single-issue “enthusiastic Trump supporters” because of the singular issue of “racism”.

Many if not most KKK are gun owners and treasure their Second Amendment rights. Would people who thought like that support Donald Trump or Joe Biden who, during the campaign, said he would enlist gun-grabbing, Beto O’Rourke, to run his gun control program?

Many if not most KKK consider themselves patriotic and likely appreciate a President who acts to keep the economy strong, who has worked to rebuild and rearm the military, who doesn’t subjugate the United States to horrible trade deals or climate change agreements which encumber the United States while leaving our adversaries free to pollute. Would that candidate have been Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

Many if not most KKK would appreciate having a job. Does that sound like Donald Trump who worked to eliminate low-skilled labor from illegal and legal immigration, who unleashed the production of fossil fuels creating thousands of jobs, who eliminated burdensome regulations preventing business growth, and who implemented tariffs to protect US business sectors? Or, does it sound like Joe Biden who, as part of the Obama/Biden Administration acted in pretty much the opposite way for all those policies?

Many if not most KKK reject political correctness and the idea that if a man (boy) thinks he’s a woman (girl) that someone is obligated to enthusiastically endorse their confusion. Does that sound like Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

In terms of noted KKK members in powerful positions of the US government, there is only one in present-day history and that’s Democrat Robert C Byrd.


One group which enthusiastically endorsed Biden and opposed President Trump is the murderous mullahs in Iran.


They are hoping Biden keeps his promise to reinstitute the horrendous Iran Nuclear Deal which returned billions of dollars to the pariah nation and all but guaranteed US+5 sanctioned nuclear weapons for the terror-supporting state within the decade.

Oh, there was another group. The head of the US Revolutionary Communist Party endorsed Biden.


Do you have a hierarchy? Is it worse to be supported by a small group of rednecks which hold no political power and are capable of limited damage or a murderous, terror-financing, rogue nation-state bent on acquiring nuclear weapons and sworn to wipe our ally Israel off the map and a proponent of a political system which has caused the deaths of tens of millions in the 20th and 21st centuries?


How many of the Confederate Flag carriers were black?


It is possible to have a different opinion of the Confederate Flag that isn’t politically correct for reasons other than racism (although what is thought of as the Confederate Flag was not the first adopted by the Confederacy and it was not the flag of the Confederacy when the Civil War ended).


If you can find a national Republican Party platform, position, statement “welcoming KKK members into the party” I will acknowledge it here. I believe you will not be able to do so.

I went to YouTube and searched “Nazi flags at Trump rallies”. There are zero videos in the first 50. There were a couple about Nazi flags at Bernie Sanders’ rallies and videos of him condemning the flags.

I did find this “social experiment” where a “journalist” went to a Trump rally wearing a swastika to see if he could get Trump supporters to give a Nazi salute or “heil Hitler”. He failed spectacularly and, I submit, there would be similar results at pretty much all Trump rallies.


There is also this video of a neo-Nazi (National Socialist Movement) rally where a young member discusses why they support Donald Trump — politicians have been all the same, Trump is different, he supports national principles like closing the border, bringing back jobs to America, Trump has nothing but the best interests of the country at heart, he has an [opposition to] globalism, believes in America first.


Note there was no acknowledgment of Trump’s alleged hatred of Blacks, or Jews, or other religions besides the Christian religion being reasons they support President Trump. One speaker noted that was their goal, but did not allege it was President Trump’s.

Those are essentially some of the same reasons 73 million Americans voted for Donald Trump.

Do you consider us all racists and Nazis?

I tried the same experiment on Google. It returns 391 results none of which, as far as I can tell, show even a few Nazi flags at Trump rallies.

While you may see a very small minority of those symbols (minus the Nazi flags) among Trump’s supporters and not in evidence among Trump’s opponents, likewise you wouldn’t see many Che Guevara T-shirts or avowed socialists (democratic or otherwise) at a Trump rally either. Whereas, you would at a Biden rally (if he could’ve mustered more than a few hundred at any one). Plus, they will caucus with the Party of Biden next Congress in the persons of Bernie Sanders in the Senate and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Danny K Davis, Jamaal Bowman, Rashida Tlaib, and Cori Bush in the House of Representatives. That is if Biden doesn’t put Bernie in his Cabinet.


So again, do you have a hierarchy? Is it worse to receive support from a few rednecks that hold no political power or supporters of a political ideology that still exists in some countries today responsible for more misery, imprisonment, and death than any other in the 20th and 21st century combined.



William Wilson
William Wilson

Written by William Wilson

I'm an Air Force veteran and became paralyzed after a freak mountain biking accident. I spend my days now writing about sports and making money online.

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