The link that you provide which appears to be attributed to a President Trump quote that he appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett "so she could help him win the election" goes to a CBS article and video on the Associate Justice's appointment.
The quote is actually attributed to Democrat Senator Chris Coon.
One of the links embedded in that link highlights President Trump's belief that an Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett would "defend your God-given rights and freedoms". That's a mainstream conservative belief in originalism. Nothing controversial.
Later in that article it notes that there are "currently several election-related cases pending in state and federal courts" and that he [President Trump] wants the seat filled ahead of the election in case the court needs to rule on an election-related case.
I know you will assign a nefarious reason for that desire. Couldn't it be simply to ensure that, IF a case came before the Supreme Court that directly affected the outcome of the election, that President Trump wanted to ensure there couldn't be a 4-4 split on the High Court? How would American voters have reacted in that case? Democrats were suing to EXPAND the availability of mail-in voting while tearing down any election integrity measures. Republicans were suing to keep those guardrails in place and requiring state election officials to follow the Rule of Law and obtain legislative approval rather than making election-related voting changes without that approval.
A SCOTUS unable to resolve an election question because it only had 8 seated Justices could have left the country in a major lurch. I would have hated to see the reaction of the losing team be they on the Left or the Right.
Do you have any direct evidence that President Trump required loyalty oath's from his judicial appointees?
Barring any direct evidence, don't you think it's a disservice to your readers to continue to assert that they exist?