William Wilson
4 min readDec 1, 2022


Sure, 39% of people aged 16-39 were hesitant to have children because of "climate anxiety". What else are they supposed to feel? They've been brainwashed since they were little kids to believe in the climate hysterics.

Name a major climate prediction of the last 50 years that has come true. Snowless winters? Didn't happen. Melted polar icecap? Didn't happen. Global cooling? Didn't happen. Polar bears wiped out to the point of extinction? Didn't happen. More powerful storms? Didn't happen. More forest fires? Kind of happened. They were more the result of poor forest management than climate change.

The so-called "consensus" is bastardized. The study that produced the often quoted "97% consensus" by climate scientists that the world was on a road to cataclysm has been debunked many times. 97% agreed that the climate was changing (duh) and man may impart some influence on that change. The extent was unknown then and is still unknown. Only a small percentage of the abstracts that form the basis of the "97% consensus" bullshit predicted cataclysm if we didn't radically alter how we lived.

Why is it that "people in the world's poorest nations are most likely to suffer severe climate impacts"? Could it be that in the wisdom of the so-called "developed nations" and in service to their religion of anthropogenic global warming theory adherence they prevent those poorest nations from using fossil fuels to generate cheap, scalable, reliable, electricity? It's hard to develop a modern economy, run hospitals, provide a quality education, etc. without cheap, scalable, reliable, electricity.

By the way, that's what this is about. It's about a belief in anthropogenic global warming theory. First it was "global warming". Then, despite the predictions of the theory, global temperatures fell. Climate hysterics scrambled for a reason they could use to fool the uneducated. They had to figure out how to "hide the decline". There is a hilarious YouTube video by that name I recommend. Hysterics hijacked the term "climate change" so that, no matter what the climate does, they can attribute it to the burning of fossil fuels and push their agenda.

The media is complicit as well as most politicians. Many on the Right are demonized for their supposed denial of "climate change". Just one time I wish one would push back with something like: "Sure I believe in climate change. The climate changes. It always has and always will. What I don't subscribe to is a belief in the anthropogenic global warming theory. The theory is disproven by observation. I don't think we should base economic or societal decisions on shoddy theories or the tantrums of 16-year-old Swedish girls with Aspergers. It's my understanding the most dire predictions for our future come from computer models. Show me a computer model that back tests accurately and then we can talk". I doubt anyone would talk to that politician about "climate change" again. The Machine can't have people sowing doubt in the minds of the uneducated. It's why The Machine and Big Tech have worked together to stamp out and demonize any opinions contrary to the narrative.

What exactly is the "best" temperature for the planet? How much carbon dioxide is too much? If carbon dioxide is reduced, what will be the impact on humans due to the reduction in "plant food"? Climate heretics never seem to have good answers for those questions.

Here's a little experiment you can try. The current concentration of the hated carbon dioxide in the atmosphere according to a Google search is about 412 parts per million. Let's even bump that up to 500 parts per million. Take 1 million pennies and arrange them on a table in rows and columns to simulate a "cube" of atmosphere. Randomly remove 500 total pennies from different parts of the cube. We are to believe that those 500 random pennies in that HUGE stack of 1 million is THE driving factor to changes in the climate. See if that challenges your faith in the anthropogenic global warming theory religion.

Still, The Machine grinds on trying to convince the brainwashed generation that THIS time the predictions will come true. Obviously, based on this article, The Machine is succeeding somewhat.

No. Hysterics about "climate change" have never been about the planet. Any other theory so full of holes would be laughed out of a seventh grade science class. "Climate change" has always been about control. Control over undeveloped nations from realizing the benefits of fossil fuels. Control over the type of car you can drive (and by extension, how far you can travel by private automobile). Control over the type of light bulbs you use. Control over how much water your toilet can use. Etc. The irony of government leaders and representatives globetrotting around the world in private airplanes spewing out tons of carbon dioxide meeting to discuss what controls to dictate over "the little people" to limit their production of carbon dioxide is thick.

When the High Priests and Priestesses of the anthropogenic global warming theory religion like John Kerry, AOC, Al Gore, Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio, etc. start "walking the walk" by flying commercially, in general, but especially to climate conferences (or better yet, advocating for conferences to be held via teleconference), sell their oceanfront property that will supposedly be consumed by rising seas, forgo their diesel powered yachts, downsize their McMansions, etc. and a computer model predicting cataclysm actually back tests accurately, then hysterical changes might be warranted. Thing is, like the hysterical climate predictions of the past, none of this is ever going to happen.



William Wilson
William Wilson

Written by William Wilson

I'm an Air Force veteran and became paralyzed after a freak mountain biking accident. I spend my days now writing about sports and making money online.

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