So, you admit that people will go into your mailbox where they theoretically HOPE they can find something of value to sell. Yet, you don’t think those same people would do so when they KNOW for certainty you will be receiving an absentee ballot for your mail-in vote and political operatives will pay to have that ballot “redirected” to them?
Yet, in an election Democrats have been claiming is to prevent virtual Armageddon since BEFORE President Trump took office and where Democrats want to implement nation-wide mail-in voting because of unsubstantiated fear of the Wuhan Flu, President Trump is the one who is “fear-mongering”? I doubt there are any epidemiologists who would state in-person voting could not be made safe enough with appropriate social distancing, disinfecting, handwashing, etc. Do you know of any?
Democrats had no problem putting the country through three-years of the Russian Collusion Delusion. “Authority figures” like Adam Schiff, John Brennan, James Comey, Evelyn Farkas, etc. were running to every camera they could find and using their “authority” to confirm the underlying delusion when they testified UNDER OATH that they saw no evidence of collusion/coordination between the Trump Campaign and Russia (although Schiff technically hasn’t testified under oath). They KNEW, with near utmost certainty, that the dodgy dossier that the Obama Regime used to hoodwink the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court into approving spying on the Trump Campaign was Russian disinformation.
Do you really believe that those people and the people who support them are not ACTIVELY PLANNING ways to steal ballots to swing the vote their way in 2020 if there is widespread voting by mail?
It’s a win/win for them no matter the outcome.
1. The scam works and Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States and Democrats are returned control of a united Congress. No investigation. Disinterested media. Welcome socialism and The Green New Deal.
2. The scam doesn’t work well enough and President Trump is reelected along with Republicans having control of at least one chamber of Congress. Disinterested media. President Trump’s protestations that there was a vote-stealing scheme against Republicans is ridiculed in the media and used as further “evidence” by Democrats he should be removed. Whichever chamber of Congress they control conducts endless investigations and stymies the President’s pro-jobs, America First agenda (kind of like 2018–2020 all over again). If they control the House, Impeachment Hearings would begin the second week.
3. The scam doesn’t work well enough and President Trump is reelected; but, Democrats control both chambers of Congress. Disinterested media. President Trump is forced to veto ridiculous bill, after ridiculous bill, after ridiculous bill. His protestations that there was a vote-stealing scheme against Republicans is ridiculed by the media and its used as further “evidence” by Democrats he should be removed. The country endures the sham Impeachment Investigations, votes on Articles of Impeachment, and Senate trial. President Trump is Impeached in the House and convicted in the Senate along party-line votes over the protestations of half the country. Mike Pence becomes the 46th President of the United States, pardons Donald Trump to heal the nation, and Nikki Haley, Republican, is elected the first woman and 47th President of the United States in 2028 for the first of two terms which she enjoys with a veto-proof, Republican majority in both chambers of Congress.
Well, I guess the third scenario isn’t a complete win for them. It’s sort of like the Nuclear Option in the United States Senate implemented by Democrat Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, that way. Although, they do get rid of President Trump…