So, President Trump had a "lack of respect for this country and the citizens"?
His ethos was literally "America First".
Do you show more respect for the country and its citizens by securing the southern border or encouraging mass migration from South and Central America and doing little to curtail it (especially during a pandemic)?
Do you show more respect for the country and its citizens by unleashing exploitation of fossil fuels, improving the country's economy while damaging an adversaries (Russia) or by curtailing it thereby raising the price of EVERYTHING and forcing European countries to acquire it from your adversary (Russia) while gifting that adversary a huge geopolitical weapon to wield?
Do you show more respect for the country and its citizens by accepting and promoting trade deals more beneficial to our competitors or renegotiating those deals so the US and her citizens get at least a fair shake?
Do you show more respect for the country and its citizens by implementing restrictive Rules of Engagement which endanger our troops and empower the enemy (whether they be the "JV team" or otherwise) or do you defer to your military commanders to implement ROE that protect the troops while securing military victory?
Do you show more respect for the country and its citizens (and your ally) by only supplying non-lethal aid when Russia annexes part of their country or when providing lethal aid?
Do you show more respect for the country and its citizens by continuing (or even expanding) job crushing regulations that stifle business growth but empower Washington bureaucrats or by cutting regulations and setting policies which encourage business growth and entrepreneurship?
Do you show more respect for the country and its citizens by negotiating a nuclear deal with the number one terrorist supporting country in the world that has vowed to annihilate your staunchest Middle East ally and then not give the citizen's elected senatorial representatives the opportunity to ratify that agreement as a treaty or, not wanting to sanction terrorist-supporting lunatics ascension to a nuclear power when the deal's term expires, throwing the whole thing out and terminating the top general of the terrorist-supporting country responsible for innumerable deaths of American servicemen and women?
Do you show more respect for the country and its citizens by honoring a commitment made to an ally to move our embassy to the eternal, undivided capital of that ally or by continually deferring the will of the people as expressed by their elected representatives in a misguided effort to appease those opposed to peace in the region?
Do you think Obama made progress on race? If President Trump "shoved" progress back a "great distance", Obama gave him a running start.
Although, I fail to see how advocating for and passing criminal justice reform that disproportionately benefited POC "shoved" race relations back any. Similarly, advocating for and signing into law "permanent" funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities seems to be a strange way for someone wanting to negatively impact race relations to act.
You would also think such a person would set out to ensure POC wouldn't have a chance of realizing historically low unemployment rates. But they did under President Trump.
Again, if you would leave your bubble, you would know that Obama did just as much, if not more, to divide the nation. Just because CNN doesn't think so isn't confirmation much of the country felt that way.
There may be a subset of Trump Supporters that refuse to "believe anything negative" about him. I don't believe most of us are that way.
If you want to write about cult-like behavior you would have plenty of material writing about the number of times Obama was "framed" in pictures so it looked like he had a halo or schoolchildren were forced to sing songs of adoration about him.
What we do reject is this insistence that history began January 2017 and every President (especially the last) and career politicians in office for decades bore no responsibility for the state of the nation.
We also reject the hyperbolic labels and comparisons to Hitler (some in this thread). Hitler was a homicidal maniac who ravaged a continent and exterminated over 6 million Jews. Yelling at Jim Acosta, sending mean tweets, and claiming election fraud helped steal the election (no matter how misguided) is an extremely a poor comparison.
For a fascist/dictator wanna be (which would necessarily mean changes to US institutions), President Trump left office with the institutions that make the US what it is essentially unchanged from the day he was inaugurated.
There are still nine Supreme Court Justices (although Democrats want to expand the number).
There are still 50 states (although Democrats want to add one or two more).
The minority in the Senate still has the power of the filibuster (although Democrats want to do away with it).
States are still responsible for conducting elections (although Democrats want to federalize it).
Free-speech is still an inalienable right (although Democrats are okay with Big Tech silencing folks if it means "their guy" gets elected).
I mean, it's not like he secretly acquired phone records of reporters (Obama) or had his DOJ accuse a reporter of being a co-conspirator in a leak case for doing his job (Obama) or weaponized the IRS against his political opponents (Obama) or funneled high-powered weapons to drug cartels in a sovereign nation without that nation's knowledge or approval (Obama).
There is as much (if not more) threats to America represented in that one line than all the accusations against President Trump.