Now do Democrat Super PACS. According to Open Secrets, fully 41% of Super PAC expenditures in 2022 were either "Against Republicans" or "For Dems". The difference can be explained by the fact that Democrat policies are anti-American, anti-business, pro-illegal immigration, support sexualization of children, and also the handicapping of female athletes forced to compete against biological males.
Castigating President Trump for "fundraising off this lawsuit" is ridiculous. Democrats fund raise off of every American citizen gummed-down by an illegal immigrant. Not against illegal immigration. No, they fund raise to limit law-abiding American's Second Amendment rights. They fund raise by jumping to conclusions before facts are presented when a cop shoots a criminal. "We need that money to 'reimagine' policing and reduce the funding of those racist/homophobic/transphobic/'insert your favorite intersectionalty group here' cops." They fund raise every time one of their sugary-named bills is defeated because they know their low-information voters will not investigate the actual text of the bill to see why it would be bad for America (and most times, for constituencies Democrats claim as their own).
Hell, somehow I got added to a Democrat fund-raising email list. Nancy Pelosi sends out about four emails a week fundraising because "Fox News just reported…", "Breitbart says…", "Insert conservative source here". Nine times out of ten, her representation of what was reported is distorted and false (sort of like you, Caren) but, she knows those low-information voters will send in that "emergency $5 needed to keep 'insurrectionists', 'election deniers', and 'climate change deniers' out of Congress".
Your link accusing President Trump of lying when he says where Super PAC money goes implies he is committing some crime if donations were redirected to other Super PACs. [Yes, I know you don't write that in the text of your article. But, I bet if you polled your readers, they would say that's what they took to be your implication]. The article even quotes experts doubting whether any crime was committed or could be proved absent any bombshell evidence presented that is always promised and NEVER materializes.
You can bet that if there are any crimes that can be alleged (let alone proven) about President Trump breaking election finance laws prior to this November's election or immediately after, Merrick Garland will cave to pressure and "imply indictments are imminent" if not actually empaneling a Grand Jury to investigate them. That, of course, does not guarantee an indictment. For the media, it will be a foregone conclusion and a "tragedy of justice" if the Grand Jury recommends no charges.
Of course, that might not happen until mid-2023 which will be the whole point of the exercise. They must maintain the specter of alleged crimes in order to guarantee whatever idiot Democrats run in 2024, be it Joe Biden or some other sacrificial lamb, they must do everything, scrupulous and unscrupulous, to ensure they don't have to run against Donald J Trump to whom they are likely to lose.
Vegas oddsmakers even have President Biden losing to Governor Ron DeSantis by a -219 AND Donald Trump by a -106. Those are "equivalent odds" meaning if today you put $100 on each of the prospective candidates, if President Biden won you would get back $376, President Trump, winning $270, and Governor DeSantis winning $257 (i.e. he is the favorite according to Other betting sites have even longer odds for President Biden currently.