William Wilson
6 min readJul 29, 2022


Like a lot of drivel on Medium, this is just fear porn.

I agree with you that Obama's warning to President Trump about General Flynn may have bumped him to the head of President Trump's search for a National Security Advisor. "Any enemy of my opposition is an ally" sort of thing. Besides, the "official" reasons for Obama firing General Flynn as the Head of the Defense Intelligence Agency was for "issues of mismanagement and temperament" and seem to be petty excuses given President Trump's Press Secretary's explanation in the link you provided that:

"General Flynn had worked for President Obama [and] was an outspoken critic of President Obama's shortcomings specifically as it related to his lack of strategy confronting Isis and other threats around that were facing America".

President Trump is often accused of being a narcissist and having a thin skin. I'm not sure if he ever surpassed the bar set by 44 for those characteristics. Nothing would have irked Obama more than General Flynn pointing out the danger and naïveté of Obama's defense and foreign policy.

There's a long list of Congressional Committee witnesses "pleading the fifth" to each and every question no matter how mundane. These include Lois Lerner and Mark Maguire, for example. You imply that General Flynn only answered the peaceful transfer of power question by exercising his Fifth Amendment Right. In fact, he exercised that right for ALL their questions.




I'd be interested in what data influenced your "explosion of paramilitary organizations" assertion. According to this report from the Center for Strategic & International Studies it indicates that "… the percentage of attacks and plots by anarchists, anti-fascists, and likeminded extremists grew from 23 percent in 2020 to 40 percent in 2021." 2021 data is the latest I could find available. Notably, the piece fails to indicate a corresponding or similar "explosion" (to use your word) increase in attacks from those on the right.


A 23% growth of attacks and plots by "anarchists, anti-fascists, and like-minded extremists". Those don't sound much like the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers to me. How about you?

I don't think he's correct, but President Trump might think most, if not all, the arrests and prosecutions associated with the January 6, 2021 incursion at the Capitol are bogus and should be dismissed. To be fair, while your link was behind a pay wall, I found another on the subject at the Guardian. They quote President Trump as saying at a Conroe Texas rally:

"'If I run and if I win,' he said, referring to the 2024 presidential election, 'we will treat those people from January 6 fairly. We will treat them fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.'”


So, it doesn't seem to be the promise of a "blanket" pardon. Persons would have to demonstrate they were treated unfairly in some way.

With regard to the so-called "Oath Keeper plan to consolidate control over the Republican Party with Trump loyalists" President Trump endorsed, even your ProPublica linked article notes that the plan's developer indicated "he never became a formal member of the Oath Keepers organization". Can the plan be referred to as an Oath Keeper Plan if the planner isn't a member of the organization? Maybe you should refer to it as the Schultz Plan.

Among its many flaws, the ProPublica article indicates later that they didn't know if "Trump or his aides were aware that Schultz [the plan's developer] had self-identified with the Oath Keepers". The only way in which Schultz "self-identified" as an oath keeper in the article was relating how he had taken oaths "… to support and defend the Constitution as a West Point cadet, as a commissioned US Army officer, and as a practicing attorney. Those oaths do not have expiration dates, by my way of thinking, and I have kept my oaths. In that sense, I am an 'oath keeper'."

If simply honoring your oath to the Constitution as a member of the military, law enforcement, or the judiciary makes one a formal "Oath Keeper", the group's members explode exponentially to large swaths of the public including yours truly. I do not consider myself an "Oath Keeper" in relation to the militant group. Apparently, neither did Shultz, the plan's author.

In any case, I'm not exactly sure what is strange about a plan to instill a presidential candidates supporters in party precincts across the country prior to a presidential election. I can't imagine Obama being "okey-dokey" with "I'm with Hillary" loyalists permeating the Democrat precinct landscape in 2008 prior to the primary.

I can't defend any of the linked quotations from John Guandolo. I disagree with him vehemently. But, you connect General Flynn to his organization without evidence. You also quote from a supposed flyer obtained by Right Wing Watch without supporting links or any analysis of its authenticity (if it even exists). While the supposed flyer references a "Republican form of government" which has a clear definition in our founding and documents, you apparently assign a more nefarious goal to the alleged training (if it even occurred which you have not established).

To be clear, a Republican form of government is one in which "the people govern through elections". That seems a worthwhile goal we all should have and support.


Finally, I think you're wrong. Those of us that voted for President Trump don't want "revenge". We simply want to extract the abundant fossil fuel resources of this country and return us to energy independence so we don't have to beg regimes that don't like us very much to pump more oil. We want proposed fossil fuel infrastructure that had been studied TO DEATH yet canceled by the Biden Administration greenlighted in cooperation with our Canadian friends to benefit both nations. We want our strategic oil reserve squandered for petty political optics by the Biden Administration fully reconstituted. We want our southern border security reestablished with a wall to deter human traffickers and drug smugglers, both of whom are harming countless lives and killing too many. We want to re-extract ourselves from the Paris Climate Accords that do nothing to address the bogeyman of anthropogenic global warming theory hysterics, harm American businesses/citizens, and fail to similarly constrain our Chinese adversaries. We want our government to expand the Abraham Accords signed during President Trump's First Term to bring more needed peace to that area of the world so threatened by the Biden Administration's acquiescence to Iran. If he's able to reconstitute it, we want the United States extracted from any Iran Nuclear Deal similar to the Obama era Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) so it can never be said, God-forbid the Iranians ever develop a nuclear weapon, that the United States approved and sanctioned its development. We want our children's education to put more emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and math and less on pronouns. We want our often troubled national history taught to our children, warts and all, without accompanying labels of "oppressor" and "oppressed" based on those children's race. We want our girls/women to compete athletically against biological girls/women and not be handicapped by competing against biological boys/men. We want our military to dedicate more time toward war fighting and war fighting capabilities and less to "inclusiveness". We want universal school choice and associated tax portability so that children of all races and ages can escape failing government schools and the liberal indoctrination that is their hallmark. Much of the above would help as well, but we also want our government to promote policies/actions which limit inflation, lower gas prices, and promote business without gas-lighting us by calling inflation "transitory" and changing economic definitions so as to ignore reality.

There's more, but I bet you get my drift. If all of that comes with a side of revenge, it's all the better!



William Wilson
William Wilson

Written by William Wilson

I'm an Air Force veteran and became paralyzed after a freak mountain biking accident. I spend my days now writing about sports and making money online.

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