I do not hold President Trump accountable for the actions of individuals who destroyed property, injured their fellow citizens, illegally entered the Capitol, etc. They were all adults (as far as I know) capable of making their own decisions.
His “role”, as you put it, was to hold a rally of his political supporters and encourage them to petition their government for a redress of grievances as the Constitution allows It also makes no judgment as to whether those “grievances” are real, unproven, or completely imagined.
I do not claim that former President Trump won the 2020 election.
But, neither do I make the blanket claim that the many reports of anomalies made by my fellow citizens under penalty of perjury that “stuff happened” during the election are all without merit.
I submit it’s impossible to label 2020 a “normal” election with some states ignoring their own election laws and the way it was conducted with changes being decreed by officials instead of approved by the state legislatures as required.
The Robert’s Court has made a lot of missteps. Not taking up that clearly constitutional issue may turn out to be one of its worst. Not because it may have helped President Trump. But to prevent it happening in future elections.
All Americans should be interested in making sure that “stuff” doesn’t happen in future elections.
Politicians and political operatives like to copy one another. Just because “stuff” may have helped your team this time around doesn’t mean the “other team” won’t try to exploit it in the future.