How, exactly is Trump "undermining our entire democratic system"?
Petitioning the government for a redress of grievances (i.e. making his case to the judicial system) is a Constitutional right of every American… Including the President.
Our government looks and operates substantially like it did in January 2017.
Funny how the left had no qualms about Obama undermining our entire democratic system.
As far as we know, President Trump has not weaponized the IRS against his political rivals. Obama did.
President Trump has not facilitated the walking of arms into Mexico with the ultimate destination for those guns being the Drug Cartels and doing so without the knowledge or permission of the sovereign country of Mexico. Obama did. At the same time, Obama/Biden officials were going around the country railing against "gun culture" and pointing to the violence in Mexico (that they helped create) as an excuse to limit Second Amendment rights of American citizens. Obama/Biden had no qualms about the murder and killings of innocents facilitated by their Operation Fast and Furious (including at least one US Border Patrol Agent and one US Drug Enforcement Agency agent) as long as their program provided public support for their anti-gun agenda. That no one was prosecuted (or even sanctioned) for this activity shows how politicized the Obama/Biden DOJ really was. Oh, they did sanction the whistleblowers who exposed the criminality.
President Trump has not secretly spied on Congress. Obama/Biden CIA Director Brennan did.
Despite clear evidence he lied to Congress, Obama's Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper faced no jeopardy by Obama's DOJ who refused to prosecute him. This is another example of how politicized the Obama/Biden DOJ was.
President Trump has not secretly spied on AP reporters. Obama did.
President Trump's DOJ has not named a reporter just for doing their job an unindicted co-conspirator in a leak investigation. Obama did to Fox News James Rosen.
Those cages for illegal alien children separated from their parents were first built and used for that purpose by Obama/Biden.
The ultimate way Obama undermined our entire democratic system was by enriching and emboldening our enemies.
His appeasement of Iran with his ridiculous Iran Nuclear Deal gave the murderous mullahs billions in hard currency to finance their terrorist activities. The deal has barely slowed the Iran nuclear program (they have and continue to cheat) with the ultimate result of Iran having US+5 sanctioned nuclear weapons in the near future.
To preserve that deal, Obama abandoned our allies in the Ukraine and allowed Putin to annex Crimea with barely a peep from the United States. Obama abandoned Ukraine again when he refused to provide offensive weapons to counter the Russians. I'm sure Ukraine appreciated the small arms, blankets, and Meals Ready to Eat. They are so effective at defending against tanks.
Obama's refusal to promote exploitation of our fossil fuel resources provided a direct economic benefit to the Russians.
The left claims President Trump is "doing the bidding" of Putin. Any rational assessment of whether the Obama/Biden or the Trump/Pence Administration was more beneficial for Russia would conclude Obama/Biden was inarguably and demonstrably the more pro-Russian.
Now, if you want to consider proposals which our entire democratic system, look at the agenda promoted by The Squad and increasingly more Democrats.