Here's what I don't understand with regards to folks coming over our southern border, especially those supposedly seeking asylum:
Democrats, by and large, seem to believe that US is a country rooted in racism. Some apparently believe in the narrative of the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory tenets that the country was founded on racism and systemic racism weaves its way through all aspects of life in the country. They preach that police enforce the law disproportionately against POC, even applying deadly force indiscriminately against POC. If POC somehow manage to survive our racist, trigger-happy officers, the judicial system convicts them more often and deals out harsher penalties. Those that aren't incarcerated face discrimination in housing, education, employment, and most other areas. Our tax policies disproportionately favor the rich (and the white). Our Congress denies our citizens government provided health care resulting in exorbitant costs and quality healthcare only affordable by the very rich. Culturally, US citizens are a bunch of homophobic, transphobic, ignorant, gun-worshiping, Fox News watching, conspiracy-believing, rubes who consistently vote against their own best interests.
Given all this, isn't Democrat's desire to welcome all those crossing our southern border into our country a form of human rights abuse and wouldn't a more humane treatment of them be to bus them to our more enlightened, progressive neighbors to the north in Canada?