William Wilson
4 min readAug 29, 2020


Did you watch the DNC? Did not the speakers during the DNC sing the praises of Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe Biden? Did you expect speakers to do otherwise? If you did, you are an idiot.

It's time you and people who think like you dropped the idea that President Trump is responsible for every death caused by the China Flu. Listen to the scientists, you say; but, you never say when. Hell, even Hillary Clinton should have been able to tell with 20/20 hindsight the reasons she lost were she ran across the campaign, she had no useful ideas, she referred to half the constituents she wanted to lead as "deplorable's", and people couldn't stand her. Now, she should have been able to tell that. Of course, she still thinks she lost because of Russian interference and the idiot, Comey.

But I digress… President Trump listened to the WHO. They are scientists; but, trusting them was a mistake when they validated China's lie that the virus couldn't move between people. Dr Fauci was saying in interviews in January and February that he didn't think Americans should be scared, worried, or frightened by. He offered caveats like a telephone psychic that things may change and public health officials need to take very seriously.

When President Trump did enact travel bans for China and then Europe, the left, their media sycophants, and Joe Biden call it racist and xenophobic. Oh, there are plenty of Biden apologist pages which claim he was speaking more generally about President Trump not specifically about the travel ban… Which he supposedly supported.

How many times has the Saint Anthony Fauci stood up at the Coronavirus Task Force Briefings and stated, unequivocally, that President Trump listened to and took the advice of himself, Dr Birx, and other physicians when it came to dealing with the pandemic and that they have a good working relationship with him?

People like you want to claim the power of hindsight to question why things weren't done sooner/faster/more efficiently. Leaders often have to make decisions based on incomplete, vague, and conflicting information.

It wasn't President Trump who ordered states like New York to require nursing homes they had to admit China Flu patients. That's on the likes of people like Fredo's brother in New York.

You claim that the RNC was all about blaming minorities and immigrants. I guess the minorities and immigrants who spoke their truth there (including the First Lady you referred to as a "hapless immigrant, a dumb model") are just not bright enough to see they're being used, right? Do you have any self-awareness when you write lines so disparaging of those, I assume, you are trying to get to understand their wayward ways.

If America's "intellectual class" woke up to praise the First Lady's speech that's a pleasant change from them insulting and demeaning her for the past four years.

You claim that the First Lady "managed to acknowledge the pandemic that the RNC had managed to ignore until that point". But, earlier you chastised RNC speakers for mischaracterizing and celebrating President Trump's handling of it. Which is it, genius, because it cannot be both?

I'm glad you fully embrace the idea of "innocent until proven guilty" when it comes to the police officers involved in the Blake shooting. You claim, without all the evidence, he was a shot "for no reason whatsoever" when investigators have already revealed he had a knife on the floorboard on the driver side of his vehicle… You know, the one he was reaching into against police orders. The cops might be guilty of sin, but in this country, the one you always trash, people are innocent until proven guilty.

Try to turn down the hyperbole. "White supremacist militias" are NOT roaming the streets, NOT beating and maybe shooting people at will. The same goes for claiming moms for being beaten and people "disappeared" in Portland. Are you sure you weren't watching the "X-Files" in your parent's basement and just got a wee bit scared?

Your list of things needed to "murder democracy" reads like the Democrats platform:

"To kill off institutions" sounds suspiciously like "defund the police" and "eliminate ICE".

To kill off "the rule of law". How is that rule of law working out in the Democrat bastions of Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and a host of other cities?

Which Party was the former President who lamented that the Constitution Was such a limiting document listing so many things that couldn't be done rather than things that could? With the number 44 give you a hint. Which Party wishes to do away with the Electoral College? It's not the party of Trump.

Who controls institutions of supposed higher learning where speech codes are prevalent and free speech is relegated to certain "zones"? Academia is dominated by liberals/Democrats. Academics were quick to embrace the Deer Colleague Letter sent out by the Obama Department of Education and strip due process rights for those accused of Title IX offenses. It was the Trump Administration that restored those due process rights. Those same liberals wish to punish people for speaking, expressing, and otherwise celebrating their faith. Their adherence to the phrase "separation of church and state" which appears nowhere in the Constitution leads them to attack religious expression that occurs in public.

Republican's are the ones celebrating those rights, freedoms, the Constitution, and the rule of law. Democrats (you included) only denigrate the country.

If you think the "silent majority" don't vote, you apparently weren't paying attention in 2016. The "silent majority" and the forgotten man roared and elected Donald Trump (like we will again).

Finally, try to summon a couple of brain cells and riddle me this:

If Donald Trump has had such dictatorial aspirations, why endure the Russian Collusion Delusion investigation? Why not just disband it? Why endure the ridiculous impeachment fiasco? Why not just end it? Why allow insufferable idiots like Jim Acosta to report anything? Why not just kill him? Why not just order the border wall built along the entire southern border? Why not just zero out taxes owed by himself and fellow billionaires? Why not simply fire judges who rule against his policy decisions?



William Wilson
William Wilson

Written by William Wilson

I'm an Air Force veteran and became paralyzed after a freak mountain biking accident. I spend my days now writing about sports and making money online.

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