"Anything that interrupts the promise and intent of our Constitution" must be voted out?
You mean like desires to do away with the electoral college? Maybe you mean doing away with the filibuster in the Senate which effectively negates the voices of the minority something our Constitution tries to prevent?
How about stifling of free speech on college campuses? Or, maybe the denial of due process when there are accusations of sexual assault on those same college campuses?
Are you possibly writing about forcing an individual to endorse speech or activities which violate their religious beliefs like preparing a special wedding cake for a gay wedding or videoing the same type of event under penalty of excessive fines or loss of their business?
By something that "encourages racism and divide" might you be talking about identity politics? Maybe you're referring to the Presidential candidate who has exclaimed to a black man on a black themed radio show "Well, I tell you what. If you have a problem figuring out whether your for me or Trump, then you ain't black." Is there anything more demeaning to a person than claiming their worldview can't be based on their own cognitive abilities; but, is dependent (or should be dependent) on their skin pigmentation? And, if they reject the worldview "assigned" them, they are denied being part of their race by the very individual whose worldview they reject?
Does it "encourage racism" by implying that grocery shelves have been stocked during the pandemic, not by women in general, but specifically by black women?
Your comment is a ringing endorsement to vote out, stomp out, reveal for what it is and be gone with the Democrat Party and progressivism.
I wholeheartedly endorse your suggestion.