Anthropogenic global warming theory is disproven by observation. If the theory were correct, there should have been much more warming in the past 3 decades. It didn't occur.
If you wanted to assuage the concerns of the youth you talked to (who have obviously been indoctrinated with "climate change" religion hysteria) you probably should've told them about all of the dire climate change-related predictions from the past 50 years which didn't occur. Here's a small sample:
– Snowless winters? Nope.
– Polar bears going extinct? Nope.
– Ice free poles? Nope
– Islands being devastated by rising sea levels? Nope.
– Hundreds of millions of people dying of starvation? Nope.
– Urban dwellers having to wear gas masks to smother pollution? Nope.
– Organic pollutants are using up all the oxygen in rivers causing freshwater fish to suffocate? Nope.
– Mass extinction of species? Nope.
– They would've loved this one – We are on the verge of a new Ice Age? Nope.
– Numerous warnings that we only had a particular number of days or years before climate cataclysm were right? Nope.
– Oil reserves depleted? Nope.
– Maple syrup industry in New England devastated? Nope.
– Skiing industry in Australia destroyed? Nope.
– Food and water rationing in US? Nope.
– There will be 50 million climate refugees by the year 2020? Nope.
Etc., etc. etc.