ANOTHER fear porn article, Caren, really?
Why didn't one of those alleged White House sources regarding the supposed flattering social media clips prepared for President Trump provide any samples? None are linked or referenced in the article you linked.
The same goes for the alleged aides who follow the former President around the golf course to read to him flattering social media posts. The media is forever photographing President Trump on his golf course. If those aides are allegedly performing a common task or even an uncommon one, how come no pictures are offered in support of the allegation?
Like many of the accusations against the former President they are without direct evidence, only hearsay by anonymous sources.
I agree that the idea a President can de-classify things simply by thinking it is nonsensical. I don't, however, think it's necessarily an indication of mental illness. I don't think either of us are qualified to make a medical diagnosis. No one who hasn't directly examined President Trump is qualified to do so either.
But, I find President Trump's declassification thoughts no less delusional than President Biden thinking he can control the climate if only a few more elitists get a tax break on their Tesla, more Solyndras are able to waste taxpayer's dollars, and cheap, scalable, reliable energy is denied the American people and the world. It's also no less delusional than President Biden's false claims about his economy and tax plan.
It's also less disturbing than President Biden needing a cue card to tell him to sit down, where to sit, and what to do in excruciating. It's less disturbing than President Biden's irresponsible desire to recommit the United States to the Iran Nuclear Deal ensuring that the murderous mullahs of Iran are able to develop US sanctioned nuclear weapons with the deal's sunset. I understand President Trump has had his accusers when it comes to sexual harassment. To my knowledge, none of the accusers were underage. Yet, President Biden has habitually put his hands on, smelled the hair of, and otherwise inappropriately touched many young girls and grown women. Even CNN highlighted it when he was running against Hillary. He just recently referenced an alleged "relationship" he had when he was 30 and the girl was 12.
If you think not electing a Republican, whether it be Donald Trump or any other, meaning a Democrat would win the presidency, would be "good for the country", maybe you should have YOUR cognitive abilities tested. A secure border is better than an open border. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Keeping more of your hard-earned money is better than sending it to a bloated and inefficient federal government. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Having war fighters concentrate on war fighting is better than wasting time on woke-ism. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Exploiting our abundant fossil fuels to lower costs and expand American markets is better than insanely bowing to the religious zealots enamored by anthropogenic global warming theory that has been disproven by observation time and time again. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. As a bonus, those expanded European markets for US fossil fuels deny one of our main adversaries, Russia, hard currency and a nearly unprecedented geopolitical weapon to wield against our European allies. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. An energized NATO more closely meeting their defense investment commitments is better than a disjointed alliance unable to focus on their mission. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Republican prosecutors at all levels who try, convict, and incarcerate criminals is better than Democrat prosecutors setting no-cash bail policies that return criminals to the streets to pray on vulnerable communities. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Policies that keep biological boys/men from competing athletically against biological girls/women is better than an uneven playing field that disadvantages girls/women when it comes to athletic success, scholarships, and all the ancillary benefits that come with them. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Policies that require teachers to teach our history, warts and all, is better than education policies that encourage teachers to label today's students as oppressors/oppressed because of their skin color. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Segregating and controlling access to literary works on an age-appropriate basis is better than risking exposure of highly sexualized books to children of an age unable to comprehend such complex issues. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Understanding that Drag Queen Story Hour is NEVER a good idea is better than sexualizing kindergartners. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. Ensuring those college students (usually males) accused of sexual harassment are given due-process during investigations and disciplinary hearings is better than policies that deny those due-process rights and railroad discipline against the innocent. You get that with a Republican, not a Democrat. I could continue…
In summary, the country will be MUCH, MUCH, better off when Democrats are removed from power, hopefully completely, in 2024. A good start would be establishing Republican super- majorities in Congress this midterm.
Don't forget to vote!